European travels on a tiny budget

Dahlindah Destiny is inspired by the French school girl look.
HairSirena Flexi hair, Toss Me ABout hair (Old group gift) and free hair with pencil from Icing.

Minx shoes. Sirena Flexi Hair.

Sirena Flexi Hair 'Spirit' Black. Free pearl braclet from Icing.

Hair from Sirena flexi hair 'Destiny' in Pearl.

Shoes from Minx

Braclet free from Icing

Necklace- Lucky chair gift from Adora Skins and Shapes.

The images above are me lashing out and trying to be sexy at a club in Second Life!

/me laughs

Thank goodness no one else was watching. lol

I love a sale. Many of my SL friends are used to me disspearing after recieveing a notice from my fave store. My good friend Ashia told me about a Japanese designer in SL who was leaving the game, and selling off her gorgeous designs for cheap!

As soon as I landed, I was in pixel heaven. Cute, babydoll designs in pale colours and with flirty, playful layers that just gave off a youthful aesthetic. Many of the items were for less than 30L, but the ones I'm featuring in my blog today were all $0L

I'll put the other items at the bottom of each pic, so check them out!

Check these dresses out at Venice Picassa Clothing
Teffelaw, 72, 146, 22

July 10th 2008

If there's one thing in life Im good at it would be being a child. So when my good inworld friend Aisha told me about a really awesome freebie, in an awesomely cool environment, I was in. As soon as I landed I was hooked. From the grunge circus tents, the dim lighting and the eeiry music, I searched for treasures.
For the items in this post, I thank the designer, Kurotsubaki, for the gorgeous lil circus clothing and the amazing store that let me screenshot until I was satisfied!
Im not sure how long this freebie will be on for, so I suggest grabbing the items while it lasts!
Also, There is a 1L$ slot machine. There are 6 amazing prizes to grab, so I grab them! I love mine. I won 3 out of the 5. There's a gorgeous usagi toy, the labels mascot, a gorgeus elephant chair and pictures and necklaces to be won!

Going circus crazy, in a cute lil outfit

I do think I rock the moustache



Welcome to Blogging Miss Dahlindah Destiny!

Stepping up into the blogging phase!
I never thought I'd get here!
Even at my age, (Young that is!), Im suprised.
Well here I am, Blogging world!
Come and inspire me!

Off to Second Life.
Can't wait to be a mentor!
The big 6 month aniversary, is on the 15th!
Woo Wooo!
